Case Study


How telco True Digital added music to their app and saved a year lead time by integrating with a Streaming Service API

TrueID logo

What are True Digital and TrueID?

True Digital is the innovation arm of TrueCorp, one of the largest telcos in Thailand. Their objective is to deliver an integrated digital lifestyle and provide a regional presence to technology service providers in the country. As the pioneers, innovators and heavy hitters in this industry, True Digital delivers a wide range of digital solutions across business sectors.

One of their largest offerings is the TrueID application. TrueID provides a complete digital experience with access to a variety of digital content, including movies, TV, news, music, sports, travel, and much more. In 2019, it became the most downloaded app in its category, cementing its position as one of the most influential lifestyle apps in Thailand.


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Engage customers through dedicated app

icons_Integrate an enriched music offer-

Integrate an enriched music offer in existing app


Cost of building from scratch and long lead time


Innovating to remain competitive in their space

True Digital’s number one goal was to integrate a new music offer into their TrueID app.

They had decided to replace their existing streaming technology service provider with a platform that was more flexible, scalable, reliable, and could keep up with the demand from savvy streaming app users.

TrueID entertainment app exists to keep the mobile customers of TrueCorp engaged on a daily basis.

Music is one of their main pillars, so True Digital needed a strategy to continue innovating in the music space. While they could have developed this new music experience internally, it could have taken more than a year which wasn’t an option to them.


Tuned Global were able to work with all of True Digital’s team to begin the transition from outdated to brand new in-app music experience. By utilising a set of established and well documented streaming service APIs, True Digital were given the flexibility to select the features they needed, including music and audio streaming features and content delivery. They had a firm understanding of the core MVP they wanted to provide their consumers, eliminating features that did not fit their product at present.

True Digital were able to access a host of basic functions, including:
  • Playlist curation and management
  • Offline mode
  • Analytics driven recommendations and search
  • Multimedia content: music, video clip, podcast, radio
  • Advanced search engine

Easy to implement custom features gave True Digital more flexibility than with their previous provider and they had access to knowledgeable experts from the Tuned Global team.

Tuned Global also worked closely with all True Digital’s content partners to deliver and ingest their licensed music tracks, assets and metadata.

“[Tuned Global] helped us pivot off a legacy platform that did not have anywhere near the same functions and capabilities that Tuned Global provides out of the box.”

Brian Clark
- Chief Product Officer I True Digital

Their results

Increased marketing value
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Project completed within 4 months
70% saving on independent build
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Improved dwell time by 15% 

Using Tuned Global’s expertise and established music technology made the process of taking their new music streaming offer to market very smooth. True Digital was able to access ready-to-go music streaming capabilities and integrate them directly into their existing app. With the flexibility to customise the platform to suit their customers’ needs, True Digital were able to produce an elite user experience and immediately saw an increase in customer engagement. By engaging Tuned Global, True Digital could focus their resources on developing their brand. They made a saving of up to 70% in comparison to if they had developed the technology independently, and also greatly reduced their lead time from 1 year to 4 months.

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